FOR IMMEIDATE RELEASE: October 11, 2016 CONTACT: Micah McCoy, (505) 266-5915 x1003 or [email protected] ALBUQUERQUE, NM—Today, the APD Forward coalition responded to the hung jury in the James Boyd murder trial, where two former Albuquerque Police Department (APD) officers were tried for the 2014 killing of homeless camper James Boyd. The following statement may be attributed to APD Forward spokesperson Adriann Barboa, Field Director for Strong Families New Mexico: “Two and a half years ago James Matthew Boyd was gunned down by two APD officers. This historic trial marks the first time in memory that APD officers have been held criminally accountable after killing a citizen in the line of duty. The Boyd trial has sent an important message to APD and the community it serves: no one is above the law. This moment also underscores the vital importance of Mayor Berry and Chief Eden’s leadership to ensure the efforts to reform APD’s use of force policies and the mechanisms used to hold officers accountable are in place and being executed to full compliance. In the memory of James Boyd, we must continue the hard work to ensure Albuquerque has a well-trained police force with a healthy respect for the lives of those they serve.” This trial underscores the need for accountability in the Albuquerque Police Department and police departments across the country. The killing of James Boyd was clearly unjustified. Even if officers weren’t convicted of criminal charges, their actions escalated a situation that could have ended peacefully. It bears remembering that Mr. Boyd’s only crime was illegal camping in an open space, and for that he died. APD Forward calls upon Mayor Berry and APD Chief Eden to renew their efforts towards achieving full compliance with the reforms mandated by the Department of Justice consent decree. In light of the independent federal monitor’s recent special report, it is clear that APD still has a long way to go before it has the proper use of force policies and systems of accountability. Until then, our community remains at risk of losing more James Boyds to preventable police violence. ### |
APD Forward Reacts to Hung Jury in Boyd Trial
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