If officers had employed appropriate de-escalation tactics, would homeless camper James Boyd still be alive today?
Every day police officers encounter people in Albuquerque who are in crisis. It might be a mental health episode, addiction, or emotional trauma. Regardless of what sends a person into a state of crisis, they deserve to be treated with compassion and dignity.
But far too often, police find themselves unequipped to deal with people in crisis and violence occurs.
Next Tuesday, February 23, Major Sam Cochran (ret.), 33 year law enforcement veteran and one of the pioneers of crisis intervention training, will hold a community meeting at the First Unitarian Church in Albuquerque to discuss how basic de-escalation principles can help keep officers and community members safe in tense situations.
If you are interested in attending this community meeting with one of the preeminent advocates for safe policing, please RSVP in the form below. Space will be limited so please arrive early.
3701 Carlisle Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
United States
Google map and directions